Wed. Evening - Vern Johnson
Acrylic Painting Class
Instructor Vern Johnson: Develop your skills with this popular teacher. Vern will concentrate on the basics of color composition, and personal style. Beginners are welcome and get special attention getting started.
Vern Johnson | |
Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28. Feb. 4, 10, 18, 25. Mar. 4, (no class on the 11th), 18, 25. Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. May 6, 13, 20, 27. |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
Adults | |
FEE: |
$20. per class |
SUPPLIES: | Canvas: One 16x20 canvas per class.
Colors: Liquitex acrylics Winsor Newton or Gamblin Artist
oil paints in these colors: burnt Sienna, burnt umber, cadmium
orange, cadmium red deep, cadmium yellow deep, cobalt blue,
Indian yellow, raw Sienna, sap green, ultramarine blue,
dioxazine purple, and zinc white.
Brushes: #10, #6. #4. Sable brush flat #6.
Oil painters need a palette, Linseed oil, odorless Turpenoid, palette, paper towels, Goop hand cleaner, container for brush cleaner, table top easel. Acrylic painters need a paper palette, paper towels, and a table top easel. |