The Upstairs Gallery ~ Arlington, Texas

The Upstairs Gallery Logo

817 277-6961
12:30 PM - 5 pM

Alvis Ballew
Al Brouillette
Lynne Buchanan
Jim Evans
Judy Gelfert
Larry Harris
Sam Hopkins
Carolyn Jehering
Aron Johnston
Vern Johnson
Darnell Jones
Martha Sue Meek
Jessica Neary

Sandy Rabbitt
Casey Taylor
Doug Walton
Beatriz Welch
Margie Whittington
Dotty Zamora

Jef Barton
JoAnn Bushart
Chris Cunningham
Jess Lord
June Whitacre

Jamie Wyeth

Vern Johnson 1932 - 2015

"After 30 years as an educator and furniture/product designer I am now a full time artist."

Vern finds that painting has always been his means of self expression. "During my carrier of teaching and design, I used painting to help center and stabilize my life. As a full time painter, I am free to pursue my own passions. Free to set my own objectives and solutions without committees."

"The most important thing for me about painting is the application of color.  I use abstraction. I include subject matter in my paintings as a point of reference from which I set the stage with visual elements including color, line, tone, composition which I use to solicit the viewers attention and participation. My goal is to involve the viewer to complete and personalize the painting within the parameters that I have created."

Vern was a very popular teacher at The Upstairs Gallery - an inspiration to other artists - the epitome of a professional artist - and a valued friend of this gallery.

Paintings by: Vern Johnson

